Ayurveda with Dr. Vijay JainAn interview on the ancient Indian science of healing called Ayurveda with Dr. Vijay Jain, MD and Integrative Physician, of Mind Body Wellness Center Palm Coast.
To connect with Dr. Jain, please visit: https://mindbodywellnessflorida.com Style: Tutorial Instructor: Kelly Knight and Dr. Vijay Jain |
Alternate Nostril BreathDiscover Nadi Shodhana, or alternate nostril breath, a pranayama technique to purify, bring balance and calm the nervous system.
Style: Tutorial Level: Beginner Instructor: Rachel Galloway |
Activate Your ImmunityThis tutorial gives a yogic perspective on activating your immune system and staying healthy in stressful moments.
Style: Tutorial Level: Beginner Instructor: Lauren Risinger |
The Art of TransitionsLearn how to skillfully transition between postures in this 50 minute slow flow practice.
Style: Tutorial Level: Intermediate Instructor: Lauren Risinger |
Connect to your coreQuick tutorial on how to connect to your core in a Vinyasa class.
Style: Tutorial Level: Beginner Instructor: Lauren Risinger |
At Home RestorativeLearn basic household items you can use as props in a restorative, yin or gentle practice.
Style: Tutorial Level: Beginner Instructor: Deborah Samuels |
Half Moon TutorialFine tune your balance as you discover the steps to master half moon.
Style: Tutorial Level: Beginner Instructor: Lauren Risinger |
Chataranga TutorialLearn the foundations of chataranga and how to practice safely in a Hatha/Vinyasa class.
Style: Tutorial Level: Beginner Instructor: Lauren Risinger |
Headstand TutorialLearn beginner tips for practicing headstand and discover more challenging variations for those who want to take it up a notch!
Style: Tutorial Level: Beginner Instructor: Lauren Risinger |
Moon SalutationsA simple moon salutation sequence that is cooling and quieting.
Style: Tutorial Level: Beginner Instructor: Christy Moore |
Sun SalutationsLearn the basics of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), a classical sequence found in Hatha and Vinyasa yoga classes. This powerful series of postures will warm up and energize the body. Excellent way to start your day!
Style: Tutorial Level: Beginner Instructor: Lauren Risinger |
Ujjayi PranayamaLearn about Ujjayi, a pranayama technique to create warmth in the body and help focus the mind. It is most often used in Ashtanga and Vinyasa yoga classes.
Style: Tutorial Level: Beginner Instructor: Lauren Risinger |